Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District and East Avenue Middle School use to address the needs of all students and, in particular, give targeted support to struggling students. The MTSS framework aligns academic, behavioral, and social emotional learning in
the areas of Academics, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
MTSS at East Avenue
- English Language Support
- Student Success Team (SST)
- Homework Club
- MathCounts
- Math Intervention
- 504 Plan
The East Avenue COST team meets weekly and is comprised of our administrators, child welfare advocate (CWA), counselor, psychologist, nurse, support staff, and teachers. Students are referred to COST when there are persistent academic and/or behavioral concerns. The purpose of COST is to determine interventions appropriate for the student in question so that s/he can reach her or his full potential as a student.
English Language Support
Student Success Team (SST)
The Student Success Team (SST) is a problem solving intervention that assists students, families and teachers to seek positive solutions for maximizing student potential. The SST focuses in-depth on one student at a time, and invites the parent and student to participate in finding solutions to maximize student success.
Homework Club
Math Intervention
504 Plan
A 504 Plan is created with counselors, teachers, and parents to help students with learning and attention issues learn and participate in the general education curriculum. A 504 Plan outlines how a child’s specific needs are met with accommodations, modifications and other services. These measures are intended to remove barriers to learning.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
- The Dolphin Way
- Positive Postcards
- Dolphin Dollars and Raffles
- Dolphin Pride
- Student of the Month
- Digital Citizenship
- Check-in/Check-out (CICO)
The Dolphin Way
East Avenue Middle School established The Dolphin Way as a way to create and promote a positive school climate and develop and refine students’ social skills within an academic setting. The Dolphin Way expectations for our students are for them to be respectful, responsible, and safe. Students participate in The Dolphin Way lessons at the start of each school year and receive updates on The Dolphin Way expectations throughout the school year in morning announcements, in classrooms, and at school assemblies. The Dolphin Way behaviors are posted throughout the school, including in every classroom and public space.
Positive Postcards
Dolphin Dollars and Raffles
Dolphin Pride
Dolphin Pride provides students with an opportunity to become involved with our East community. Students keep track of their participation in school events, including clubs, sporting events, and spirit days. Students who earn 75 points or more are eligible for the award. More information can be found on our school website under “Activities.”
Student of the Month
Digital Citizenship
Check-in/Check-out (CICO)
Check-in/Check-out is a positive, non-punitive intervention for students struggling with their behavior in a classroom setting. Students in the program set positive behavior goals and check-in with their teachers over the course of the day to receive positive feedback about their progress. Students are able to earn rewards and recognition for making positive changes.